Roku City

Roku Remote Control App Help Page

Nice, you got:

The best unofficial browser based online remote control for your Roku TV set. Congratulations! You've stumbled upon the ultimate sneaky way to boss around your Roku TV from any device (PC, MAC, Phone, Tablet) with an Wi-Fi connection. No need to clutter up your devices with heavy installations – just fire up your browser and take charge like a digital wizard. And forget about line of sight issues – this baby doesn't mess around with outdated IR tech. You can change channels from the comfort of your couch or the mystery of the next room over. Who needs a magic wand when you've got RokuRC?

How to make it work

⚠ As of Roku OS 14.1, the Settings > System > Advanced system settings > Control by mobile apps feature must be set to "Enabled" for a Roku device to receive the commands from this app.

Discovering the IP address of your Roku is a breeze! Simply head over to Settings > Network > About on your Roku device. Once you've got that, click the "NO DEVICE FOUND!" sign and enter your the IP adress you found and prees the save button. Return back by pressing ➡ (right arrow) emoji.
Just gently key in the IP address into your browser's address bar, following this format: TV IP address) and hit [Enter]. Got multiple TVs at home? Just bookmark each one separately for easy access.

If that pesky "NO DEVICE FOUND!" message is still popping up, it's probably because your browser is being a bit too strict about allowing HTTP requests within private networks. Don't sweat it though! Just take a quick peek at the "Unblock Insecure Private Network Requests" section below. This will also let you programm those three custom buttons on the bottom row. But hey, here's the kicker: even if you decide not to, this app will still have your back. Lazy TV watching is just a click away!

Hey, if you're all about lazy TV watching like me, you'll want to hear this! So, you know how modern browsers put up this annoying barrier called the same-origin policy, which stops our cool app from tapping into Roku TV goodness? Well, guess what? There's a slick solution: browser extensions. Picture this: you could have access to awesome features like a video play progress bar and easy button customization, just by installing one. Take, for instance, EASY CORS for Chrome. With this gem, all you have to do is register your Roku TV's IP address along with port number :8060 as a domain within the extension, and voila! Lazy TV watching just got a whole lot easier.
Doing this is going to block all anoying Google ads as well.


Too lazy moving mouse? Try using the keys on your keyboard for some tasks instead.

Space — Play
Arrow Left — Left
Arrow Right — Right
Arrow Up — Up
Arrow Down — Down
Enter — Select
Escape — Home
Minus — Volume Down
Equal — Volume Up
Backquote — Volume Mute
Backslash — Backspace
Period — Fwd
Comma — Rev
Slash — Info
Semicolon — Instant Replay
Quote — Search
Bracket Right — Enter
Bracket Left — Back

Fast TV Start mode

Enabling Fast TV Start makes your Roku device accessible even when it is off for a long period of time. You can enable Fast TV Start at any time using the instructions below:
 • Press Home button on Roku remote on your Roku TV remote
 • Scroll and select Settings
 • Select System
 • Select Power
 • Select Fast TV Start
 • Highlight Enable 'Fast TV Start' and check the box to enable it

Unblock Insecure Private Network Requests

Here we have instructions how to fix NO DEVISE FOUND! message for different browsers.

1. Google Chrome
2. Safari
3. Mozilla Firefox
4. Opera
5. Microsoft Edge

Google Chrome

Copy and paste chrome://flags/#block-insecure-private-network-requests into your chrome browser's address bar. Press enter and the browser will take you to the settings. Disable highlighted "Block insecure private network requests" setting. Your changes will take effect you Relaunch Chrome using blue [Relaunch] button (bottom right)


Click [Develop] item on top menu and check "Disable Cross-Origin Restrictions". If you do not see [Develop] menu item (between [Bookmarks] and [Window] you need to just enable it from [Safari] >> [Preferences] >> [Advanced] Tab and check the checkbox in front of "Show Develop menu in menu bar" on the bottom.

Mozilla Firefox

Copy and paste about:config into the your Firefox browser's address bar. Press enter and [Accept]. The browser will take you to the settings. Copy and paste security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy into serch bar. Set the value setting to the false.


Make sure VPN is turned off. Copy and paste opera://flags/#block-insecure-private-network-requests into your opera browser's address bar. Press enter and the browser will take you to the settings. Disable highlighted "Block insecure private network requests" setting. Your changes will take effect you Relaunch opera using blue [Relaunch] button (bottom right).

Microsoft Edge

Yes you can set this in Internet Options: Go to the Security tab. For the current zone click the [Custom level...] button. In the next window, scroll about a third of the way down to "Miscellaneous > Access data sources across domains" and set it to "Enable". If the current zone is Internet, then you should add the site to the trusted and set this option for the trusted zone instead.

IE9 Access data sources across domains

Network issues

Here is a link to Roku Support for additional tips how to fix Network issues.

For Makers

PWA Logo You can install RokuRC as a PWA app from here
git logo Here is a link to some fun staff with Roku for Makers. Where you can report any issues encountered with this app as well.

Plaese also check my other website

Life is like a very long TV show, without a remote control.